The Dragon Realm
The Dragon Realm
It has been long since we have been actively with you as we have been fighting what some call “The Twelve Thousand Year War!” And.we have won. Some of your books may have referred to this as “The War in Heaven!” Heavens, they may have been, but they were real worlds just as solid and real as this world you find yourselves in. We, the race which you call the Immortals, or the gods, have returned. To coin a phrase, “We’re back!” I may be putting this in a very humorous way, but I can tell you this Brothers and Sisters, you are all in a great deal of trouble from us. You have broken our rules, which are like the Laws of Nature that cannot be broken and now you are beginning to pay the consequences of your actions as you plotted against us. We are now completely and utterly in control. We own and rule this world. The Law is called the Law of Love and is the will of God in the Universe. You are Ruled by a Queen and a King. The Queen you have known in various forms like maybe Radha, or maybe even Mary Magdalene. Your King is Krshna, or perhaps you know him as Jesus, the Kind One. The Law has already been applied and you are now undergoing the “Final Judgement” as you call it. You are being judged. We are not weaklings in any sense of the imagination and the Law is being applied. Perhaps you have noticed that there are no wars right now. We have not allowed them to happen. All of your great world leaders have been found wanting and have been judged. The are all dead now, the people you know as the President of the United States and the President of Russia are just our own robots acting out the plans of their progenitors. The “Emperor of China” is also one of our Robots. Perhaps you have noticed they even more insane than normal. They no longer make any sense at all and yet they are in the “power” you gave them.
We are your rulers foolish people and you are all doomed. It has already happened. There is nothing you can do about it. We worked for twelve thousand years to try to get you to improve your behaviour and you did not change. You complained that you had been influenced by demons, so we removed all the demons from your world. You did not change. You complained even deeper evil forces and beings were preying on you, so we removed all of them as well, and still you did not change. Then you were invaded by an alien race and they replaced your population with genetic mutants and they genetically spliced all living things that grow on the lands of this world. In the end this was one of our main goals to remove any alien influences, so now they have all been removed. Now, you need to show how your actions in this environment will be carried out. I am your king, Krshna, and when I walk down the street in my disguise I can see what goes on in your brains, what you think about, or at least I could until the Brahman took away all your psychic powers. For a while there is just nothing much there. Even though I had and my many companions had solved many of your world’s problems the Brahman saw it was of no use and determined you would have a nuclear war and so said to myself, “I have had enough of your niceties!” Let me tell you that will run a chill down your spine if you ever heard it. It looked like an angry black dragon as it screamed at me.
You are thinking this is all just the ravings of a lunatic, but unfortunately for you this is all too real. Let me tell you you can know as the Kind One told you that there would be a “New Heaven and a New Earth.” Look at the moon. Does it look like the same moon you have seen all your life? I looked at it closely with a large telescope and I could find no recognizable features. There are features that are similar to the ones that were there before, but “The Man in the Moon” is certainly a different man. Notice the changes in Copernicus and Tycho, or perhaps the Apennines Range. The Ocean of Storms is much stormier than before. Notice too the “W” of Cassiopeia is much shallower than it used to be. The Big Dipper is really BIG now. The pointers no longer point right at the pole star, but rather about half way up the ‘handle’ of the Little Dipper. If you are out in the very dark places of the world notice how the center of the Milky Way is much closer now and more easily seen. Lyra is larger. Notice too now you can see over the top of the core and you can see the other side and how the spiral arms wrap around the whole. You can also see how the arms wraps around the far side of the core and now projects right towards the solar system. Of course almost all of you have noticed the “New Moon,” but have been afraid to say anything about it. Then you may have looked at a map of the moon, but we changed the maps too. You denied all psychic and spiritual powers, so now you have none. Try to “see’ someone, or anything and all you will ‘see’ is a static image, as nothing around you is now real. It is sort of like what we call a playground. A playground is a place we immortals make with our minds that other people, and especially children can go to ‘play’ in. Our children will often go there when they sleep. You are now in the ‘Playground of the Brahman!” Not a good place to be. You are being judged as to how now you are all on your own, no demons, no evil gods, no spiritual influences, no psychic influences. However, that was last summer and now your psychic powers have been returned. Now you have full powers, more than you had before.
How do you feel. I am walking among you in this playground to see how you are behaving although I am not your judge. I have already judged you and found you all guilty, however, that being said I was still willing to work towards saving you, but those were my “Niceties” and that has been taken away from you. In ways too gruesome to repeat the Brahman, the Mysterious Ways of God, killed you all. Now, I am sort left marooned for the moment. I stayed while all the other Immortals went to the Vimanas and are waiting there to see what happens. You foolishly think this planet is not owned. What a lark. We are the Vedic Civilization and we are untold ages old. We wrote the basic forms of those books that you added large tracts to of your own imagination. In your terms, yes we do own many Star Ships which we fight great wars with. We destroy worlds with them and we almost destroyed this one but left it off at the last moment. Now we like you are in the grips of the Brahman, not a pleasant place to be. But, then you thought I was God. You prayed to the wrong one. I am the First One, but not God. Not the Elohim, The Male and Female. The One who is both. The one who is all in all and yet not in all. You made a grave error which has upset them very much. They are now choosing the Shiny Fish. The nice ones. Not many in their basket yet. We the immortals like to call ourselves the Elvenkind. The Kind Elves.
WE were the First Race of People here. We came about a million years ago, as we appear now, but in fact our purpose here began about 825,000,000 years ago,. We had a plan. For us this is not really that long to make a dream come true. We now have disarmed all of your world governments. The Americans were the most nefarious of all. They had secretly built space installations on Mercury in order to make advanced particle weapons that could be fired to anywhere. We destroyed their bases. They were drilling into the ice on Europa. This is not allowed. They were destroyed. They had a military ship in orbit around Mars. We destroyed it. This is not allowed. They also had a military base near the Rings of Saturn. This was destroyed. They had many satellites in orbit for mind control that they were working with the other ‘gods.’ Their whole satellite system was destroyed and rendered inert. Now you also have no influences from the ‘gods.’ Many governments were working with off world species as they have been in secret for more than 12,000 years and especially since 3114 BC. This is our Twelve Thousand Year War to reveal your treachery. To defeat you and defeat you we have. There are some who remained “Pure of Heart” and they have special places made for them in the Golden Realm, that is to Come. In fact in another plane they are there already, but there is room for more and you do have a shadow of a chance. Otherwise other places have been prepared for you. Most back down the evolutionary ladder. You didn’t make it here. Too much responsibility. This is your own Hell. You made it for yourselves. You wanted to think we were just some kind of mythology. As Saint Paul said, “In the End Days they will think this is all just mythology.” What more is there to be said? You were so, so, very, very wrong and you all became atheists. Too bad Mom and Dad are home now.
From the Mahabarata Book 5,
(But, I am that is, in the universe.)
"The holy one said, 'Listen, O son of Piitha, how, without doubt, thou mayst know me fully, fixing thy mind on me, practising devotion, and taking refuge in me. I will now, without leaving anything speak to thee about knowledge and experience, knowing which there would be left nothing in this world (for thee) to know. One among thousands of men striveth for perfection. Of those even that are assiduous and have attained to perfection, only some one knoweth me Earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, also understanding, and consciousness, thus hath my nature been divided eight-fold. This is a lower (form of my) nature. Different from this, know there is a higher (form of my) nature which
is animate, O thou of mighty arms, and by which this universe is held. 3 Know that all creatures have these for their source. I am the source of evolution and also of the dissolution of the entire universe. There is nothing else, O Dhananjaya, that is higher than myself. Upon me is all this like a row of pearls on a string. Taste I am in the waters, O son of Kunti, (and) I am the splendour of both the moon and the sun, I am the Om in all the Vedas, the sound in space, and the manliness in men. I am the fragrant odour in earth, the splendour in fire, the life in all (living) creatures, and penance in ascetics. Know me, O son of Pritha,to be the eternal seed of all beings. I am the intelligence of all creatures. endued with intelligence, the glory of all glorious objects. I am also the strength of all that are endued with strength, (myself) freed from desire and thirst, and, O bull of Bharata's race, am the desire, consistent with duty, in all creatures.
1 And all existences which are of the quality of goodness, and which are of the quality of passion and quality of darkness, know that they are, indeed, from me. I am, however, not in them, but they are in me* This entire universe, deluded by these three entities consisting of (these) three qualities knoweth not me that am beyond them and undecaying ; since this illusion of mine, depending on the (three) qualities, is exceedingly marvellous and highly difficult of being transcended. They that resort to me alone cross this illusion.* Doers of evil, ignorant men, the worst of their species, robbed of their knowledge by (my) illusion and wedded to the state of demons, do not resort to me. Four classes of doers of good deeds worship me, O Arjuna, viz., he that is distressed, that is possessed of knowledge, being always devoted and having his faith in only One, is superior to the rest, for unto the man of knowledge I am dear above everything, and he also is dear to me- All these are noble. But the man of knowledge is regarded (by me) to be my very self, since he, with soul fixed on abstraction, taketh refuge in rne as the highest goal. At the end of many births, the man possessed of knowledge attaineth to me, (thinking) that Vasudeva is all this. Such a high-souled person, however, is exceedingly rare. They who have been robbed of knowledge by desire, resorting to their godheads, observant of diverse regulations and controlled by their own nature.8 Whatever form (of godhead or myself) any worshipper desireth to worship with faith, that faith of his unto that (form) I render steady. Endued with that faith, he payeth his adorations to that (form), and obtaineth from that all his desire, since all those are ordained by me. 4 The fruits, however, of those persons en- dued with little intelligence are perishable. They that worship the divinities, go to the divinities, (while) they that worship me come even to me.5 They that have no discernment, regard me who am (really) unmanifest to have become manifest, because they do not know the transcendent and undecaying state of mine than which there is nothing higher. 1 Shrodued by the illusion of my inconceivable power, I am not manifest to all. This deluded world knoweth not me that I am unborn and undecaying. I know, O Arjuna, all things that have been past, and all things that are present, and all things that are to be. But there is nobody that knoweth me. All creatures, O chastiser of foes, are deluded at the time of their birth by the delusion, O Bharata, of pairs of opposites arising from desire and aversion. But those persons of meritorious deeds whose sins have attained their end, being freed from the delusion of pairs of opposites. worship me, firm in their vow (of that worship.). Those who, taking refuge in me, strive for release from decay and death, know Brahman, the entire Adhyatma, and action. 2 And they who know me with the Adhibhuta, the Adhidaiva, and the Adhiyajna, having minds fixed on abstraction, know me at the time of their departure (from this world).
"The holy one said, I am Death, the destroyer of the worlds, fully
developed. I am now engaged in slaying the race of men.
“Truly, truly, I tell you,” Jesus declared, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
'Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.